Watermelon Tourmaline (Photos)

Watermelon Tourmaline is a variety of tourmaline that is characterized by its pink or red center and green exterior. It is named for its resemblance to a watermelon slice. Watermelon Tourmaline is a rare and valuable gemstone, and it is often used in jewelry.

Watermelon Tourmaline is a hard gemstone, with a Mohs hardness of 7 to 7.5. This means that it is relatively resistant to scratching. Watermelon Tourmaline is also a relatively stable gemstone, and it is not easily affected by heat or chemicals.

All colored Tourmaline gems display pleochroism, meaning their color changes when viewed at different angles. In some Tourmaline gems, this effect is hardly noticeable, while in others it is strongly apparent. Gemstone cutters must take this into account when cutting a Tourmaline, so that the finished gem brings out its best color.

Watermelon Tourmaline is found in a few locations around the world, but the most important source is the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil. Watermelon Tourmaline can also be found in Nigeria, Madagascar, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Australia, and the United States.

What does watermelon tourmaline look like

As the name suggests, watermelon tourmaline displays banded colours that resemble a ripe slice of watermelon. The red or pink centre is surrounded by a rim of green, often separated by a sliver of pale pink or white. The brightly coloured zones can also occur at either end of the gem although there is some debate as to whether these stones should be classified as watermelon or simply bi-colour tourmalines.

Watermelon Tourmaline: What Is Watermelon Tourmaline?
Watermelon Tourmaline: What Is Watermelon Tourmaline.
A slice of watermelon tourmaline

Watermelon tourmaline crystals tend to form with a distinctive rounded triangular shape, as demonstrated beautifully in this stunning pendant by Paula Crevoshay. Watermelon tourmalines with vivid, clearly separated colours are very rare and command high prices. Matthew Morrell says: “Clean stones with good crystal in the 4-7 carats range, with an even distribution of each colour, change hands in Europe at between $500-$600 per carat.”

Cutting the stone into slices like a loaf of bread rather than faceting the rough often enhances the resemblance to a real watermelon. Their complex structure makes tourmalines very difficult to cut. A great deal of expertise is required to identify areas of tension within the stone, which can cause it to crack during the cutting process. 

What causes watermelon tourmaline colors

The bi-coloured and multi-coloured zoning that we so often see in tourmaline gems happens when the trace elements change in concentration or composition during a crystal’s growth. These unique gems can have coloured zones across the length of the crystal, or they can have a core of one colour and an outer edge of another colour. A single tourmaline crystal can contain up to 15 different colours or shades – no wonder it has been nicknamed the “Rainbow Gem”.

In watermelon tourmaline, pink and green Elbaite crystals are found in the same stone, and these colour zones provide a visual record of its formation process.

As the watermelon tourmaline crystal grows and thickens, it is exposed to different minerals such as manganese and lithium, which cause the gem to change colour from a pink centre through a pale zone to the green rind.

Watermelon Tourmaline
A slice of watermelon tourmaline

Watermelon Tourmaline Properties

Color: Watermelon Tourmaline displays a unique combination of colors, typically featuring a pink or red center and a green outer layer, resembling the appearance of a watermelon. This color zoning is a result of the crystal's formation process where different elements are incorporated into the crystal lattice at different stages.

Transparency: Tourmalines, including Watermelon Tourmaline, are generally transparent to translucent. The transparency can vary depending on the quality of the crystal, with higher quality specimens being more transparent.

Luster: Watermelon Tourmaline exhibits a vitreous luster, meaning it has a shiny, glass-like appearance.

Hardness: On the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, Watermelon Tourmaline has a hardness of 7 to 7.5, making it relatively hard and durable. This hardness allows it to be used in various types of jewelry without being easily scratched.

Crystal Form: Hexagonal prisms and striated columns, often elongated and tapering to a point.

Cleavage: Watermelon Tourmaline does not exhibit perfect cleavage, meaning it does not break along specific planes. Instead, it tends to break irregularly when subjected to force.

Fracture: The fracture of Watermelon Tourmaline is conchoidal, meaning it breaks with a smooth, curved surface, similar to the inside of a shell.

Fluorescence: Some Watermelon Tourmalines may exhibit weak fluorescence under ultraviolet light, with the pink/red and green areas sometimes showing different intensities of fluorescence.

Pleochroism: Watermelon Tourmaline often exhibits strong pleochroism, which means it shows different colors when viewed from different directions. This is due to the crystal's anisotropic nature and the varying absorption of light by the different crystal axes.

Refractive Index: The refractive index of Watermelon Tourmaline is approximately 1.62 to 1.64, which contributes to the gemstone's brilliance and dispersion of light.

These properties make Watermelon Tourmaline a popular choice for jewelry and decorative objects, prized for its unique color combination and durability.

watermelon tourmaline slices
Watermelon tourmaline slices

Watermelon Tourmaline Uses:

Jewelry: Watermelon tourmaline is highly prized in the jewelry industry for its attractive coloration and rarity. It is often cut into faceted gemstones and used in rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. Jewelry designers appreciate its vibrant hues and natural beauty.

Decorative Objects: Watermelon tourmaline slices or polished pieces are sometimes used as decorative objects in home decor.

Gifts: Watermelon tourmaline jewelry or specimens make thoughtful and meaningful gifts for gemstone enthusiasts, collectors, or loved ones.

Chakra Healing: In some alternative healing practices, watermelon tourmaline is associated with the heart chakra and is believed to promote emotional balance, self-love, and healing of past emotional wounds. 

Watermelon Tourmaline Photos

Watermelon Tourmaline

Watermelon Tourmaline

Raw Watermelon Tourmaline

Watermelon Tourmaline

Watermelon Tourmaline pictures
Watermelon Tourmaline slices

Watermelon Tourmaline
Watermelon Tourmaline

Watermelon Tourmaline

watermelon tourmaline pendant
Watermelon tourmaline pendants

Watermelon Tourmaline earrings
Watermelon Tourmaline earrings


Watermelon Tourmaline
Watermelon Tourmaline

See also: 

Tourmaline: Species and Color Varieties
Where Does Watermelon Tourmaline Come From
Rubellite - Properties, Value, Occurrence and Uses

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