Visitor from France finds 7.46-carat diamond at Arkansas State Park

Visitor from France finds 7.46-carat diamond at Arkansas State Park
Visitor from France finds 7.46-carat diamond at Arkansas State Park

French Tourist Unearths "Carine Diamond," Seventh-Largest at Arkansas' Crater of Diamonds

A first-time visitor from Paris, France, struck lucky at Arkansas's renowned Crater of Diamonds State Park, unearthing a stunning 7.46-carat diamond. Julien Navas, visiting the U.S. for a rocket launch, stumbled upon this "magical experience" after learning about the park's unique opportunity to search for diamonds in their natural state.

Navas, an experienced fossil hunter, took full advantage of the park's 37.5-acre search area, diligently sifting through the soil after a recent rain shower. "Many of the park's largest diamonds are found on the surface," explained Assistant Park Superintendent Waymon Cox, attributing the finds to rain washing away dirt and revealing gems.

After hours of searching, Navas's persistence paid off. He presented his findings at the Diamond Discovery Center, where his heart raced with joy upon learning he had unearthed a rare brown diamond. "I am so happy!" he exclaimed, already envisioning sharing the news with his fiancée.

The aptly named "Carine Diamond," after his sweetheart, boasts a deep chocolate hue and a captivating round shape. "It is always exciting to see first-time visitors find diamonds, especially large ones like this!" said Park Interpreter Sarah Reap, underscoring the park's thrill-inducing potential.

Park officials echoed Navas's excitement. "It's always thrilling to see first-time visitors strike gold, especially with diamonds this size," shared Park Interpreter Sarah Reap. Assistant Park Superintendent Waymon Cox highlighted the park's unique diamond-finding process, attributing Navas's success to recent rainfall washing away soil and revealing treasures like his.

Navas's discovery marks the fifth diamond registered at the park in 2024 and the largest since 2020. It ranks seventh among all diamonds found since the park's establishment in 1972. With over 75,000 diamonds unearthed in total, the park continues to lure adventurers seeking a chance to strike it rich.

So, if you're looking for an unforgettable experience, consider unearthing your own diamond adventure at Arkansas' Crater of Diamonds State Park. Who knows, you might just become the next lucky finder to make headlines!

See also: Dig Up Diamonds at the World's Only Public Diamond Mine

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