The Differences Between Crater and Caldera

Craters and calderas are both depressions formed on the surface of planets, including Earth, but they differ significantly in their formation processes, size, structure, and relation to volcanic activity. Here's a detailed explanation of their differences:

Craters and calderas are both volcanic features, but they are formed in very different ways. A crater is a bowl-shaped depression at the top of a volcano, while a caldera is a much larger basin-shaped depression formed by the collapse of a volcano.

The Differences Between Crater and Caldera


Formation Process


  • Impact Crater: Craters can form from the high-energy impact of a meteorite or asteroid striking a planet's surface. This impact compresses and deforms the ground, creating a circular or bowl-shaped depression. Impact craters are common on bodies like the Moon or Mars.
  • Volcanic Crater: Craters can also form as a result of volcanic activity when magma erupts and gas pressure is released at the vent. The vent collapses to form a smaller crater at the summit of a volcano. These volcanic craters are typically smaller and less destructive than calderas.


Calderas form after a massive volcanic eruption, when a magma chamber beneath the volcano empties quickly and cannot support the weight of the land above it. This results in the collapse of the ground, forming a much larger depression than a typical crater. Calderas are often associated with some of the largest and most explosive volcanic eruptions in history (e.g., Yellowstone Caldera, Santorini).

Size and Scale


Craters are typically smaller in scale. Volcanic craters can range from a few meters to a couple of kilometers across, while impact craters vary greatly depending on the size of the impacting object. Example: Crater Lake in Oregon is about 8-10 kilometers across, formed as a result of volcanic activity.


Calderas are generally much larger than craters. They can range from a few kilometers to tens of kilometers in diameter. Calderas can also be quite deep and may contain lakes or other landforms. Example: The Yellowstone Caldera, a supervolcano caldera in the United States, is about 70 kilometers wide.

Volcanic Activity


Volcanic craters are usually associated with smaller, less explosive eruptions, such as those that produce lava flows or small ash plumes. These craters form around the central vent of a volcano.

They often do not change the structure of the surrounding landscape dramatically, and volcanic activity can continue in or around the crater.


Calderas are associated with extremely explosive volcanic eruptions, often involving the eruption of a vast amount of magma and ash. The collapse of the ground into the emptied magma chamber is a major geological event.

These areas can remain volcanically active for thousands of years after the caldera forms, sometimes leading to geothermal activity or the creation of a new volcanic vent within the caldera (e.g., resurgent domes).

Structure and Appearance


  • Craters tend to be bowl-shaped, with steep walls and a smaller depression at the center. They are often more symmetrical and simpler in structure.
  • Volcanic craters are typically found at the summit of a volcano and may contain an active vent or crater lake.


  • Calderas are larger, more complex structures. They are often elliptical or irregular in shape and may contain smaller craters or new volcanic domes within them.
  • The collapse of the caldera can create steep walls, and the floor may accumulate water, forming lakes or geothermal features (e.g., hot springs, geysers).

Long-Term Geological Impact


Impact craters often remain as permanent geological features, slowly eroding over time but largely retaining their shape. Volcanic craters may gradually change due to ongoing volcanic activity or erosion but generally do not significantly alter the landscape around them.


Calderas can dramatically alter the landscape. The collapse of a caldera can create new lakes, valleys, or geothermal systems. Some calderas may become sites of significant future volcanic activity, which can reshape the caldera over time.



  • Meteor Crater in Arizona, USA: An impact crater approximately 1.2 kilometers in diameter.
  • Mount St. Helens Crater: A volcanic crater formed after the 1980 eruption.


  • Yellowstone Caldera: One of the largest volcanic calderas in the world.
  • Krakatoa Caldera: Formed after the catastrophic 1883 eruption of Krakatoa.
  • Santorini Caldera: The result of a massive volcanic eruption that destroyed much of the Minoan civilization.


Craters Vs. Calderas Summary

Feature Crater Caldera
Formation Outward explosion: Formed by the outward explosion of rocks and other materials from a volcano. Inward collapse: Formed by the collapse of the roof of a magma chamber.
Size Typically much smaller than calderas, less than a kilometer in diameter. Can be many kilometers wide and deep.
Shape Typically circular. Typically oval or circular, but may have parts of its sides missing.
Depth Smaller (up to hundreds of meters deep) Larger (up to several kilometers deep)
Examples Mount St. Helens, Mount Fuji Yellowstone National Park, Crater Lake National Park

See also:
Types of Volcanic Eruptions
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