September 2017

Oldest Signs Of Life On Earth May Be In 3.95 Billion-Year-Old Rocks

Traces of graphite in ancient Canadian rocks were produced by microorganisms 3.95 billion years ago, according to new res…

Researcher Unearths Hottest Rock on Record

A fist-sized, glassy rock sitting on the ground by the crater wall caught Zanetti’s eye. Image: Michael Zanetti. Rock …

Zealandia: Scientists Reveal Secrets From First Expedition To Lost Continent

Lost continent of Zealandia Scientists Come Home After Studying Zealandia, The Lost Continent , scientists confirm ex…

World's Second-Largest Diamond Sells for $53m

The diamond went up for auction in 2016, but it didn't sell. It looks like one of those lumps of ice that grow i…

Stunning Malachite Crystals

Malachite is a famous and very popular semi-precious stone. Its banded light and dark green designs are one-of-a-kind, and g…

Large Meteorite Impacts Drove Plate-tectonic Processes on the Early Earth

An international study led by researchers at Macquarie University has uncovered the ways in which giant meteorite …

The New Largest Pink Diamond Found

The gem-quality stone was found at the company's alluvial mines in Russia’s Far East. (Image: ALROSA.) Russia’s A…

Scientist Predicts a Sixth Mass Extinction in 2100

Some species made extinct by humans. In the past 540 million years, the Earth has endured five mass extinction events…

This Gigantic, Extinct Devil Frog Was Capable of Eating Dinosaurs

Scientists say that a large, now extinct, frog called Beelzebufo that lived about 68 million years ago in Madagascar would h…

Italy's Supervolcano Is Even More Dangerous That We Thought

The Campi Flegrei caldera is a supervolcano. While a new eruption here would be more likely to result in the creation of a…

What Caused Mexico's Latest Earthquakes

A map of the tectonic plate forces that subject Mexico to regular earthquakes. Credit: USGS Another deadly earthquake…

Scientists Just Discovered 'Young Diamonds'

Scientists Just Discovered 'Young Diamonds'. Diamond with a garnet inclusion. Stephen H. Richardson, Universi…

Study Discovers Why Fossilized Hairs Are So Rare

Study Discovers Why Fossilized Hairs Are So Rare. Mammalian hair Fossil inclusion in Baltic amber. Photo: AmberInclusions…

Ancient ‘Hell Ant’ with Metal Horns & Trap Jaw Found Inside Amber

View hell ant’s head and thorax. © P. Barden, H.W. Herhold, D.A. Grimaldi Scientists have discovered a new type of '…

An Exploding Meteor Caused a 2.0 Earthquake in Michigan Last Night

The meteor lights up the sky near Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, January MIKE AUSTIN A fireball from a descend…

NASA's Plan to Save Humanity From Yellowstone Supervolcano

Yellowstone harbours a giant magma chamber that will blow one day if we don't act (Credit: iStock) NASA Has a $3.…

New Research Resolves 40 Years of Debate on the Strength of Olivine

Olivine, the most abundant mineral found in the Earth’s mantle, is considered to be a robust model of the interior of the…

Star Opal Pattern

Star opal pattern is a rare and beautiful phenomenon seen in some opals. It is characterized by a star-like formation of l…