July 2019

Massive, 1,100-Pound Dinosaur Bone Unearthed in France

Maxime Lasseron inspects the femur of a Sauropod (AFP/Getty Images) The femur of a giant dinosaur was found this week …

Volcanoes Shaped the Climate Before Humankind

Volcanoes Shaped the Climate Before Humankind Volcanoes can impact climate change. During major explosive eruptions huge …

Mysterious Glass Beads in Clams Point to Ancient Meteorite Strike Near Florida

A pair of microtektites found inside ancient clam shells. Image: Kristen Grace, Florida Museum Glass beads were found …

The Earth’s Core is Leaking, Baffling Scientists

How the Earth's core might be leaking material into the mantle plumes. (Photo: Neil Bennett) Earth’s Leaking Cor…

'Crystal Clocks' Used to Time Magma Storage Before Volcanic Eruptions

Zircon. Photo: MicrolabNW The molten rock that feeds volcanoes can be stored in the Earth's crust for as long as a…

What Delayed Earth’s Oxygenation?

Powering a massive biosphere on Earth, photosynthesis is the light-mediated reaction that converts carbon dioxide and wate…

Ringing Rocks: Sonorous Rocks, Musical Rocks

Ringing rocks, also known as sonorous or lithophonic rocks, are a fascinating geological phenomenon where specific rocks res…

Geoscientists Were Wrong About the 'World's Largest Volcano'

The Mauna Loa An Unexpected Discovery Just Changed The Ranking of Earth's Biggest Volcano Congratulations Mauna …

Whole Lizard Discovered Inside 120 Million-year-old Dinosaur's Stomach

Whole Lizard Discovered Inside 120 Million-year-old Dinosaur's Stomach. A new lizard species in the abdomen of a spec…

Crazy Lace Agate: Properties, Uses

Lace Agate is a variety of agate that exhibits a lace-like pattern with forms such as eyes, swirls, bands or zigzags. Crazy…

Scientists Find 68-million-year-old Triceratops Fossil in Colorado

Triceratops skull found in Colorado during construction work Scientists say dinosaur fossils found in Colorado are t…

How Solar Heat Drives Rapid Melting of Parts of Antarctica's Largest Ice Shelf

Summer sea surface temperature surrounding Antarctica (a) and in the Ross Sea (b) showing the strong seasonal warming wit…

Mystery of Bizarre Salt Crystals in The Dead Sea Could Finally Be Solved

Mystery of Bizarre Salt Crystals in The Dead Sea Could Finally Be Solved. Salt Formations at the Dead Sea. Photo: VoteDea…

Will the Southern California Earthquakes Cause Yellowstone to Erupt?

With the two strong earthquakes in southern California these past few days—a M6.4 on July 4 and a M7.1 a day later—it&#…